An in-utero name at least...
"Why in the wide wide world of sports would you lumber her with that?" we hear you ask...
1) We figure it's silly enough that we wont want to keep it when she arrives...
2) Mike will get to know her as his little "sissy", and can keep calling her that post-pop,
3) Shes kinda in inner space (ergo; Sissy Spacek),
4) SIS, in this case given the pictures, is clearly short for Snuggled InSide; parents being meteorologists and all that, an acronym is compulsory for all major projects.
Of course we had to give her a name - or at least the lady doing our 20 week scan insisted - having seen her in all her naked glory (Sissy that is, not the scanning woman) via the wonders of modern tech-o-nology.
There we were looking at the all too familiar fuzzy flat blob, when

A real live little being with nose and lips and eyes and hands and feet and no longer just a 2D cross section.
One discernible person.
Ok, the wonders of modern tech-o-nology only extend so far and her swatting away a pesky umbilical cord was all too jerky and robot-dance like, but there she was.
Snug as a bug.
"Awwww..." went the well dressed lady, "She's a cutey!"
And we reckon she's right.
Not to mention definitely Mike's sis.
Same lips.
Same nose.
Unable to detect the same obsession with the Wiggles just yet but we're sure that'll come with time.
Of course the scan isn't just about making mum and dad and sartorially splendid operator go all
Brain... fully lobed.
Heart... four chambered and pumping well.
Spine... where it should be.
No club foot.
No cleft pallette.
Ten toes and fingers.
One girl fetus in bog standard trim.
Mistress P mentioned that we'd been feeling Sissy moving about a lot and that even dad had been able to have a good feel of a few kicks, to which the good and smart casual lady suggested that was very early indeed to be feeling such things.
"But it is the second kiddie" said dad... "wont things be all a bit stretched out and stuff - and easier to feel?"
To which the well dressed miss gave Mistress P permission to
"You wont last long making comments like that with girls around you know", she chided.
Oh dear.
You have a lot to learn AB.
A lot to learn.