Pandy and Andy create a baby...

Thursday, April 03, 2008

A small step for man, one giant leap for... Mike.


Its been done.

As of around 8:30 pm April 3 2008, 2 weeks shy of his first birthday, he's taken his first steps.

At first a bit of a sly stand up and one step rebalance with dad saying "DIDJA SEE THAT?", which five minutes later became a genuine two step walk.

And sad to say, it was towards the telly remote control.

Which even sadder to say, he thinks is a mobile phone.

Of course the Heisenberg uncertainty principle/observer effect immediately sprung into action. As soon as the camera was pulled out he refused to do it again. That is until the very moment dad pressed stop and the camera went into "process" mode, rendering itself (temporarily) into a useless lump of shiny metal - then, of course, Mike did a three step jog over to mum.

Ya canna change the laws of physics.
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