Pandy and Andy create a baby...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I am one.

I am one.

Hear me roar.

(Or at least rush up and down the hallway a bit going "GRRRrrr".)

Master M gave me Trains. (Does he ever give any other present?)

Mum and dad gave me a Tea set.

Nana, Papa and Babcia gave me a Trike.

(Apparently it was "present starting with a T" birthday. 
I ask you, where are the diamonds from Tiffany's?)

I have three teeth.

I've been walking for nearly two months.

I sleep through the night (occasionally).

I sleep in the day briefly (one sleep cycle twice a day please).

I've managed to lose one of almost every pair of shoes I've ever owned.

My favourite food is whatever I can scavenge from the cupboard when mum isn't looking (usually a jar of mush).

My favourite song is "Row row row your boat", with a particular penchant for the crocodile scream bit in the second verse.

My best friend is my big brother.

I'm statistically well placed to live past 2100.

But best of all, I'll always be pretty much smack on 40 years younger than my dad, so he better not forget my age.

My name is Sarah.

And I am one.

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