Its about time we officially declared it. Mistress P does have a Big Tum.
And not only that, its also a very very hot tum. This has resulted in a complete reversal on the workbench front. Previously, where Mistress P would grab for the covers as AB slept merrily just under a sheet, the fire in the P belly now results in quite the opposite.
With all the recent hot weather and steamy evenings (and Melbourne's new record for its most consecutive nights over 15 (20 and counting on March 1, breaking the previous record of 19 in January-February 1969) - thanks Blair!) we've been hitting the workbench nuddy and with sheet only. But with all windows open, by about 5am AB is waking up chilled (and hence in need of the loo) while furnace belly just sleeps on through and complains if the covers are pulled neckward. How things have changed...
On the preparations front, it appears we're having this kiddie-wink at approximately the same time as many of our contempories are thinking about giving the kiddie game away. (Though personally i'm batting zero when it comes to convincing people how convenient having a vasectomy would be. "But i wont be a full man any more..." Oh please....) Hence we havent so much been given baby stuff (i.e., everything from cots to toys to nappies to play gyms), as had stuff thrown at us from all directions.
We've suddenly gone from "ohmigod, Ruf will be sleeping in rags in a box" to "ohmigod i cant swing a cat in this room theres so much STUFF!" (see pic) We're pretty damn lucky I must say - its saved us a monty.
The rapid collection of stuff has also delivered one of those eerie degrees-of-separation thingys...
Some wonderful and very French (but now true-blue) friends invited us over for a BBQ to not only attempt to convince us that French Rose' is actually not a bad drop with a good aussie snag fest (I'll score them on points on thatta one), but also to clear some of their shed space by tossing some handy baby items our way. And indeed they had some great stuff, including a "baby bjorn" baby carrier, which luckily for us, we were just about to purchase and hence saved us considerable dosh.
Suddenly Ms French-friend exclaimed "And zis is going back to family too!"
Seems the sling used to be owned by one of dad-to-be's few female cousins (and one time landlord), and had been passed along to their friends when all the bubs had come and gone (now 10 and 13).
Said it once; no doubt will say it again. Its a small world...
(but i wouldnt want to paint it.)
On the work front, and with well under 5 weeks to go, Mistress P is actually admitting its starting to be hard going... even for the mid arvo chock (see below):
From: Mistress P
Sent: Friday, 23 February 2007 3:00 PM
To: AB
Subject: choc
I have a drawer full of snacks,
but what I really feel like is a small piece of chocolate...
do you have any up there?
From: AB
Sent: Friday, 23 February 2007 15:02
To: Mistress P
Subject: RE: choc
I think there might be some maltesers in the tin... come up
and see me big girl.
From: Mistress P
Sent: Friday, 23 February 2007 3:21 PM
To: AB
Subject: RE: choc
can't move - got too big :(
I can't believe I've got more than a month more of this!
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