Week 10 and the boy has continued in the amazing progression from screaming sack with arms and leg into a individual human being with personality. Granted still with a fair degree of screaming ability. And arms and legs.

Almost as much as when Mistress P wears her flouro lime green PJ's with sparklyblue stars. The boy's been known to slip into such a trance-like state staring at said stars during a beast feed that he looses the ability to drink... Sadly this may indicate a future career as an astrophysicist (bugger... cos we want him to be a carpenter)... or may just be a sign of his masculinity (i.e., low level of multitasking ability.)
He's also continued with the lifestyle of the rich and famous, via membership of the mothers club, swanning about cafes all over Bayside. Dad reckons its less of a parents group and more of a pram pushing locust plague, descending upon unsuspecting cafe's and devouring all in their path with ravenous glee and a shrill twitter of delight(/rubbing their back legs together). He reckons he can almost hear the screams of innocent baristas being devoured from as far away as Docklands.
Despite the carnage, theres still been time for Master M's first journey out to the mountain bike course at Lysterfield (home of the Commonwealth Games MTB'ing), not so much for a ride but more a push along the gravel tracks around the lake. Appreciation was shown by falling asleep for the entire time. Which is something he is getting a lot better at, and has even slept through the entire night for the second time now. Which is a lot better than mum could do - she was up and out of bed at 5am despite the boys sleep in, and scaring the bejeezus out of dad when he crept up in the dark to head off to work.
"The boys asleep - what you doing out of bed?" startled AB.

"I wet it".
After an offer to buy a bag of bigger nappies, it turned out that no, it was not of the wee-wee variety, but rather a steady soaking mammalian trickle from the undrained bazoongas. Curse you mother nature... have you no mercy for the sleepless?!?
Still, life has settled into a partial routine, and new things are being learnt at such a rapid rate that emails to dad at work are required to keep him in the loop. Cos working dads miss out.
--------------------How things have changed.
From: Mistress P
Date: 25-Jun-2007 12:17
Subject: FW: Infant CPR info session [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Mike had a great play session today - I lowered the horsies so he could reach them and he listened to the whole ABC nursery rhyme CD while batting them on his back. Apparently babies can roll from this age, so I thought it was good for him to lie flat on the mat for a bit. (He also did some good tummy and nappy free time on the change table while he had his flannel wash earlier) We then played peek-a-boo while I was in the shower and he was in his rocker... he didn't quite know what to do with the michael duck {toy rubber ducky} though... then he sat in his rocker in the lounge and batted the buzzzy bee - even pulling the rings up to his mouth - while I tried expressing. He then showed tired signs, even though he manfully kept trying to play with the toy, so, after a few grizzles trying to settle him in his cot I settled on the sling, a brief walk around the deck and he is now fast asleep on my chest as I type on the couch.
For the better. Print this post
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