We really are a big boy now.
The foray into solid foods has gone remarkably well. The foray into solid poo's arguably less so - for mum and dad's senses anyway.

The lad is now sitting down at the dinner table with the rest of the family, and enjoying it immensely. In fact, despite at least one of his parents having to stuff down their nosh pronto so they can hold him and feed him (maybe a high chair is in order here??), the plus side is that dinner is now somewhat quieter. For about 15 minutes anyway.
All this new foodie stuff hasnt been without incident of course. For example, and a TFYP (Trap for Young Players); not all mushy rice stuff comes pre-cooked.
There was Mistress P with her amazing packet of dried wholemeal rice mush from the hippie part of Mr Safeways, adding water just as you do to the white-rice based Farax baby powder and feeding it to the boy.
He ate it.
With a little grimace.

Then P looked at the packet: "Cook before feeding".
Oh dear.
We'd just fed him a cupla ice cubes worth of wallpaper paste/Clag.
He lived.
And as a bonus his poo can now be used for papier mache.
We've now taken to mushing up pumpkin and feeding that to him as well - remarkably, he loves it. Pity about the orange stains that are now spreading across mum and dads wardrobe, not to mention across all his wipe-up nappies, bibs and clothes up to and including Sunday best. Still, it can now truly be said he's joined the in-crowd and wearing genuine designer (i.e., himself) pumpkin patch.
On the physical side the lads also become more active, and now constantly being discovered in the opposite Z-axis from where last left. (i.e, he rolls over a fair bit.)

He's also discovered that he can balance, using hands on the ground to form a tripod, and sit up for a minute or so like a big boy. Ok... he didnt so much "discover" this as was put in that position by a curious dad and soon got the hang of it, but its another newy and he seems pretty stoked by it all.
Speaking of curious positions, the boy has also taken to being carried around in a baby-backpack. Which, while great for hanging out the washing etc cos it leaves mum and dads arms free out front, has lead to the discovery of two drawbacks.
- Dad sits at a computer too much these days and hence his old bushwalking back is no more, and therefore he staggered about like Quasimodo after an hour of baby backpack-carrying. Which has now led to some fitball back strengthening workouts (thanks Dr Karl), and hence the aforementioned curious positions that the boy now watches dad contort into with great glee.
- When the boy falls asleep in the backpack there is simply no way of getting him out without waking him. (We know... we've tried.) And you shouldnt really leave him propped up vertically. Thats a no-no. Hence (as pic attests), we've taken to just laying the whole kit and baby-strapped kaboodle on the ground for his nap.