Apparently we're on daylight savings time.
Ok, so the officially gazetted DST is still the better part of a month off, but according to the boy, enoughs enough - he's joining Tassie and clocking forward early. Hence...
All and sundry are awakening some time between 4:45 and 6am(if we're lucky) every morning.
On the vague plus side of this equation dad easily managed to sail off the beach before 8am down at Rye, some 70km from home, and hence catch the best of a good Northerly wind. On the not-so plus side, both mum and dad are back into staggering zombie mode during the day. The swings and roundabouts of parenthood, eh.

And yet there's more... He's also managed to flip from back to front for the first time, and in doing so he has learnt that all you need to do to flip is to arch the back. The first signs of this mega arching came with his tummy time. He now doesn't so much do tummy time as a full and advanced Yoga session, with the favourite being the cobra (see pics). A far cry from only a few months ago, when just getting his nose off the floor was a significant achievement. Oh how he's grown..

Theres always a side effect though... on the change table he's decided that arching the back is also the way to go if you really want to make it damn hard for someone to whip on/off a Huggie.
The final new trick is a biggie. He's taken to eating a little solids. All the signs were there - watching us eat and being endlessly hungry for starter; apparently even the sparrows fart awakenings are a pointer to it being time too. So, on the 17th of September, 5 months and one day old and some three to four weeks ahead of the WHO schedule, we've gone a little mushy pumpkin and sweet corn. Which he gobbled with relish (no, not real relish, - we mean with gusto). So far only small doses, so we haven't yet had to deal with the infamously smelly first "solids poos"... yet.
Oh, and the boy has also advanced from simple raspberries to full on bubble blowing. (Though he did try to drink the water when attempted in the bath.)

The only big upset of the week came when mum and dad decided a "fun" thing to do would be to take little M dinner table shopping. On a Saturday. At IKEA. Richmond. (Dont worry - we've bought a non-Swedish table thank you very much for asking.)
How to describe the experience... well we thought the Southland-Deathstar was bad enough, but this place made it look like the tranquil hanging gardens of Babylon. By the end of the day the boy was crying, dad was screaming at people in the car park, mum was delirious and all were in need of a Tosca.
It ain't easy being a zombie parent.
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