Oh here we go....
We've just tipped into another classic phase of kiddie development that we were hoping, to be honest, would take a cupla more months to hit us.
He's mobile.
And exploring.
Using the patented and perfected Mike belly flop propulsion method (see movie below), he's now able to propel himself from one end of the (albeit admittedly small) house to the other in only matter of minutes. Or in the case of mothers group, from in front of mum to hiding behind a pram on the other side of the room in the time it takes to say:
"A dingoes got my baby!" (the standard aussie mums "lost baby" cry).
Arguably more of a worry was Mike's keenness to follow the other mum/owner of the pram out the door as she trundled off - apparently he was fascinated with the working of the bugaboo wheels and wasn't going to let such an engineering feat get away without a chase. (A clue to his future profession perhaps?)
Apart from pram wheels his other favourite and often returned-to investigations appear to be:
- The crockery in the low cupboards
- The phone books
Which only gave her an arguably bigger shock when he was found STANDING UP supporting himself by clinging onto the shelf and grabbing at the bowls again, just prior to falling backwards (nice catch mum).
He was worryingly proud of himself.
For the latter, and in a somewhat bizarre obsession, the lad will happily flop halfway across the house to try and grab the phone books out of the bookcase and... start eating them. (a-la the "book muncher" advert on the teeve - though wasnt that before his time..?)
So far he's only devoured most of the government services section, and appears to have a slight preference for white over yellow pages.
Oh well,... we use the inner-net anyway. The newsprint-lipstick look is a bit of a worry though (don't tell the council nurse. Again).
The explorations, however, have recently taken on a decidedly Transylvanian aspect. Sure there's always been the odd chomp on mums shoulder when he really wants milk but is only getting carried about, but this time it was a little different.
Playing with dads face -as he does- he clearly mused to himself
"Whats up that thing?"
and hence shoved his index fingy clean up dads snoz.
Hooked it.
Stuck the fingernail into the septum.
And dragged down.
"We have claret..." yelped dad as he proceeded to bounce off into the bathroom with his nose pinched and head held back...
Finally, and a little off track but uncannily/arguably accurate...
Dad couldn't help himself slightly editing Sienfeld's interview on Enough Rope this week, and in particular the comments about being married {or in the edited version, having kids) and being single {kiddie free}...
JERRY SEINFELD: Um well to me the funny thing about {not having kids is}, see I had friends {with kids} and I wouldn’t visit them when I was {kid free} because I thought their life was so pathetically depressing.
JERRY SEINFELD: And then, now that {I've got kids} and I, I have {childless} friends and I feel I, I don’t really like to be with them now cos I find their lives trivial and meaningless.
(and here's the clincher...)
JERRY SEINFELD: And I think in both cases I was correct.
...and they reckon he talks about nothing.
Ok... Mikes flop-propulsion-technique instruction video...