Master M was having a few more teethy type troubles and hence he'd decided that sleeping during the night was clearly the main cause of this gummy shenanigans and hence he wasn't having any of it. Sleep that is. So he put his foot down.
Or rather, his voice box.
And hence every time we attempted to lay him to rest he'd awaken and scream his little lungs out. Which made it rather hard for anyone to get some sleep, let alone just a little relaxation. Kiddies panadol and sedegel did the trick to a degree, but the lad clearly was seeing a correlation between hurty teeth and cot and hence didn't want a bar of it.
Be it 9pm or 2am.
Then, just as quickly as it started it stopped. And he learnt something new into the bargain.
Not only did the boy suddenly go back into his normal dozy evenings and subsequent slumber through (most of) the night, but he also discovered that when you roll over in your sleep you can actually... and heres the tricky bit.... put your head sideways (instead of mouth straight down

He's also taken a shine to a) daylight saving (i.e., he sleeps in and dad is now the first to wake up in the house); b) a Growsuit.
The Growsuit is more akin to a sleeping bag, and for some reason he quite likes it. Probably because as he wriggles out of his covers in the bed (and yes, we have no idea how he fails to crawl forward when he is awake, yet mysteriously levitates forward when asleep) he would get colder and colder, but a sleeping bag means his bedding comes along for the ride.
The week wasn't all sleep and teeth and bags though. The week also brought the longest period
Of course mum and dad were like nervous nellies, and hence wrote up a War-and-Peace-like tome of do's and dont's. A Master Mike user manual. (Can be found on the left hand side of this page, under "Mikes notes".) Which of course was barely needed and mostly served as an amusing read for uncle Jim between sections of the form guide.
Finally, Mike's also discovered two new favourites.
First, a new favourite song. We'd heard that a) little kiddies like rock, and b) little kiddies like moving black and white shapes (the colours on kiddies toys are mostly there to appeal to the parents - tru dinks). Hence when he watches The Hives "Hate to say I told you so" on dads laptop he's transfixed.
Which dad admits probably isn't on the World Health Organization approved viewing list and may well be scarring him for life, but hey... it keeps him off the streets.
He's also discovered rice cakes.
Yes, flavourless, calorie-less, cardboard-like rice cakes. (It must be the hippie blood in him.) Or more to the point, he has discovered feeding himself rice cakes. Which is all kinda amusing when he gets down to the last little bit, and, babies being only able to clutch and yet to learn about pinching things between thumb and forefinger, mean that he still cant work out how to eat that last bit of mushy cake thats trapped in his vice-like fist.
He can hang onto it for hours. (Well, maybe not hours.)
Which of course just means he's kept amused while mum and dad crawl about the floor recovering bits of half-chewed rice cake bits from a one metre radius.
Picking up after kids already.
Hate to say I told you so. Print this post
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