There we were all settled into the inevitability of 5am wake ups for the term of our natural lives when suddenly....
**BLAH!!! BLAH!!! BLAH!!!**
"What the #$*& was that - and why am i awake???"
It was the alarm.
For the first time in 6 months we'd actually slept right in until the alarm(!).
The very same alarm that only 6 months ago we woke to every morning, cursed loudly and smashed on the snooze for a little more.
If that isn't the difference between the have (babies) and have nots, what is??
Not that we're complaining mind you...
For the boy though, the sudden sleep-ins have also coincided with an occasional wake-up only an hour after going to bed, with what seems like a bittova bad dream. Poor tike - damn brain development.
He's also now pushing through more teeth than Mrs Colgate, with one up top and two down below. This also means reddy-rose cheeks and lotsa ear grabbing as the nerves refer the pain up trough the cheeks and into the ears.
But on the plus side, he's also discovered sitting - sometimes just for a few seconds, quickly followed by a little falling over and a look of surprise. But its sitting none-the less and he

Not to mention how tantalisingly and frustratingly close (for him) he is to crawling. We're not just up on all fours now but actually doing the odd (and by that we do mean odd) little kangaroo hop with his back legs that do actually move him forward.
About an inch.
Cos he hasnt quite figured out that to move forward you also need to move your arms.
He's also discovered cycling. The weekend saw a trip to the Bot Gardens in the city for a picnic and visit to the final stage of the Herald-Sun tour, where he cheered on Baden Cooke (well, how

he was in the finish post photo!!!
(We cant put it here cos of copyright reasons, but... if you check out the pic, and look just next to the street sign which is next to the "150M" sign you can see a little red dot that’s higher than anything else... THATS’S MIKE!!!! (Up on dads shoulders...) )
Ahhh... the fame (associated with being a single pixel). Print this post
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