Orange mush. White mush. Green mush.
The boys been loving it. Solid (in-so-far-as mush can be considered solid) food. A defrosted ice cube of pumpkin (orange), rice (white) and broccoli (green) for brekky, and up to double that for din-dins. All washed down with a chaser of mums milk of course.
Plus now he has his very own IKEA high chair (as recommended by the mothers group/Brown Cow cafe...) which slots perfectly under the new table we bought. Hence Master M sits at the table like a big boy, though we are stilll battlinging to teach him basic kiddie manners.

Like... don't eat the table. Dont throw the place mats, spoon, mush, and/or mums dinner on the floor just cos it makes a fun noise. Dont scrunch/eat the morning paper into a ball of Gunns finest pulp - while dad's trying to read it.
Still, we figure we got a good several years to get such minor details ironed out.
He's also discovered rolling in a big way, to the point that poor old mum has to stand and hold him down in bed after the occasional middle-of-the-night feed. Cos if she doesn't... flippo... onto his tummy.
Which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that he hasn't quite worked out that if you lie with your head at an angle you can actually sleep face down without suffocating. (Currently the face just goes straight into the matteress, with ensuing scream of

He's also taken to morning naps in his cot. "Woopee do" I hear you cry. But for us, and particularly Mistress P and her mountain of work-work and MBA stuff, this is a free-time granting godsend. Up till now the boy has refused cots till nighttime, and would only catch brief kips on the floor or surrounded by cushions on the couch. But now... 1.5+ hour kips in the cot of a morning is the new norm.
Ok... we find him at the end of it (as we do most mornings) flipped over, jammed headlong into the top most left corner with an arm trapped between the bars, but hey, ramming your noggin against the bed head can only do so much damage, surely???
(Why does Anna Nicole-Smith come to mind here?) Print this post
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