After the excitement of the boys first steps he lept up the following morning, all bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready for his first jog round the 'Tan.
Unfortunately a few steps later he'd fallen hard on his bum enough times to convince himself that this biped form of propulsion was too much of a pain in the ass (literally), and hence he reverted to quadruped again and has crawled virtually everywhere ever since.
Sum total thus far of about 15 steps.
Oh well. As Homer Simpson says; "Cant win. Dont try."
That said, his truck pushing abilities (see the video on this earlier post) have come forward in leaps and bounds. No longer trapped by walls, he is able to stand and swing his truck about like some demented squealing truck swinging hammer thrower and start afresh.
As to how this "balancing on two feet while flinging a truck about" can be easier than walking... well thats one of the great Mike mysteries.
Maybe he's seen too many King Kong movies.

Still at least at the combined mothers-group first birthday party (...its been nearly a year already???) it provided great merriment as Mike offered trips around the lounge on his one baby-power John Deere.
He's also taken to another new trick - one that gets two thumbs up from mum and dad.
See, unlike his previous incarnation where putting him to bed appeared, to him at least, akin to driving a stake through his still beating heart, he now appears to like to sleep.
Only problem is that now, albeit occasionally, he's taken to a sleep directly after his dinner. Or more to the point, directly after he has finished eating and had his 5 minutes of smearing the leftovers all over the ikea high-chair's tray.
The problem?
He puts his head down for the nap, IN his now smeared high chair tray.
Ok, its kinda funny -at first - but doesnt do a lot for his hairstyle or the family shampoo bill.

But even better, when put to bed theres no longer the hours of wailing and thrashing and "woe is me" cries.
Now its a little "I really should put on some sort of show cos mum and dad have gone to such effort" grizzle, then...
We thank the bear. Pooh bear to be precise (non-Disney version).
Seems bear is Mike's new bedmate, and they can been seen having a little cuddle just prior to dozing. Its arguably the cutest thing in the free world.
But its not all plushy girly bear-love sweetness and light.

With the Yin theres always the Yang. And it was a known risk.
Combine a bit of nappy free time, a run around in the backyard, and the male predication to get at one with nature by relieving himself on it, and it happened.
Yes. A chunky Mr Whippy on the deck.
Mum was horrified.
(Maybe it'll keep away the cats?)
Finally, and speaking of cats, its taken us a long time but we've (ok, well.. errr.. dad has) worked out Mike's dopplegaenger.
Blond hair, short and straight on the sides, long and curly out in front.
It has to be... BRIAN SETZER!
"And who in the wide wide world of sports is Brian Setzer", we hear you ask?
Well back in the 80's (and some may say sadly still today) there was a band called the Stray Cats. They played rockabilly and generally looked like some Frankenstienian combination of Sid Vicious (Sex Pistols) and Elvis - or at least the Elvis before he ate a jar of peanut butter, a jar of strawberry jam, and one pound of crisp-fried bacon on a baguette. Times 2. For lunch. Everyday.

The blonde cat was Brian Setzer. A comparison picture is worth a thousand words... (though a little imagination wont hurt either; note hair.)
Ever since, dads been driving everyone nuts singing "Runaway Boy" all round the house.
You get the beat.
Just dont mess with the boy.
He's almost 1. Print this post
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