And we think its time to ditch the baby tag. We have now...
A Toddler.
The walking caper has opened up a whole new world of things that have gone unnoticed in the previously quadruped stage. And more to the point, with the hands-free option that comes standard with the walking kit, things can be transported all over the house and/or suburb at a rapid rate. Plastic spades, mums hair clips, remote controls, toys, errant forks, letters, thongs,...
Thankfully he still cant help himself from leaving a breadcrumb trail of detritus when he finds a wallet.
And he's also clearly grown. We know. We've heard the ripping.
There was dad happily tapping on the computer while the lad was blissfully sleeping (or so dad thought) in his cot in the other room.
"Whawasthat?" mused dad.
"HMMmmm the lads room.... giant rat probably..."
{RRRRRIIIIPPPPPPP!!!! --"Heheheheheheeeee..."}

As you do.
Oh well, so much for the subliminal astronaut / meteorologist training.
Not only is the lad running amok on two legs but he's now officially weaned.
Yup... the "if he can chase me down the corridor and lift my top up for a drink its gone on far enough" time has been reached, and hence, as mum says, boyo, you're on your own.
Not that the lad is all that worried by losing the booby juice, as he has mastered the use of the word "Ummy"/"Mummy"/"UMUMUMUM", which is used in both "Hey mum, no hands!" watch me run/push truck/stab myself with scissors context, but also "When/wheres lunch??"

Other words he's learnt appear to be "DADADA/DAAA" for dad (very cute), "AwwwOhhhh!" for some form of stuff up, (e.g., dinner bowl dropped on floor/placed on head), "FFffffff" for dog (cos a dog goes "Wooffff", but the "Wooo" bits a bit hard) and "Ta" which actually means, and is used in the correct sense when accepting something handed to him, "Ta".
On top of the walking and talking, he's a) gone up a nappy size, b) become a strong little bugger.
And he knows how to use it.
Hence we offer the following logic as to why he has progressed to the next level of development:
He had candy.
We tried to take it off him.
It was bloody bloody hard.
( Q.E.D: He's not a baby anymore.) Print this post
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