Its an amazing thing.
We now have "dawg" (dog), "djeooo" (juice), "bowel" (we kid you not; bottle) and even a crystal clear "daddy" (err... which mum swears daddy completely ignored and kept reading the paper, hence may never be heard again).
And then theres the comprehension.
"Time for a walk in the pram Mike" chirped mum.
Mike disappeared.
Mistress P goes searching.
Not here.
Not there.
Perched in his stroller with a "Well, where was ya?" face.
Which Mike now appears to have mastered as well.
Case in point.
He is interested in the phone. Which is on a buffet (or is it hutch - who in their right mind can ever remember nor care-about the difference) and hence well up and out of a little lads reach.
Or so we thought.
Until we saw the boy walk up to a dining chair, grab its legs, and drag it down the hall and up to the buffet/hutch thingy, climb up onto said chair and... grab the phone and dial Brazil.
Not that he needed all that much help. Seems a growth spurt of late has suddenly put a whole myriad of new shelves and benches within reach, necessitating a
He's also taken a penchant for a blue freezer bag, which for reason known to neither man nor beast, he likes to drag about with him whenever he decides that he's gunna do a runner down the street. (If you ever see a small boy pounding the pavement alone dragging a blue "Aussie Farmers" freezer bag, please return to the Baghdad-end-of-Hampton for refund.)
It now appears that Master M has decided that from now on he is officially a...
Pasta (his old favourite).
Its all just floor fodder for young Mike.
The only thing thats now allowed past his lips (apart from milk of course, which by the way, has now switched from goat to cow variety) is...
Rock melon.
His new hero isn't mum or dad.
It's Con the Fruiterer.
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