Aside from that the recent highlights, boy wise, have included a) him telling dad off, and b) him getting covered in a rash that looks like he should be shunned into a leper clinic.
But we're not that heartless.
Apparently it is something called Pityriasis Rosea, is non-contagious (and no, nothing to do with swine flu) and is just related to a virus that he picked up somehow, somewhere, but really shouldn't have cos he's somewhat shy of the typical 10-35 age group. But it does leave a nasty set of reddy pimply things that got the day care centre so concerned when they didnt know what it was that they asked dad to come and collect him early.
He's not phased by it all mind you, and is still running about playing guitar like Murray and generally being cock-a-hoop with the world. Only more spotty.
That just leaves the telling off...
Yes, well, this is one that dad's not so proud of.
Works been a bit stressful and as dad was now home with the boy on a school day he read his email while the boy played with blocks or wiggles or something or other on the other side of the room.
As the aforementioned email didnt contain much merriment, dad muttered under his breath....
"oh f%$k..."
Boy immediately turned round:
"Dont say f%$k daddy... dont say f%$k"
And promptly went back to his toys.
Errr... Righty oh.
(But it does beg the question, who has been saying "f%$k" and how does the boy know that dad did a bad bad thing?)
On the Sissy front shes now at the stage where if mum spoons dad in bed, she (as in Sissy) gets all jealous/claustrophobic, and continually gives dad kicks, elbows and assorted hits in the back and/or kidneys till he backs off and gives her more space.
Though of course she's also kicking and elbowing mum from the inside at the same time - killing two birds with one stone (or knee in this case) so it seems.
But enough of the internal calisthenics and Gordon Ramsey language lesson - heres some more pics and movies from the rapidly-fading-into-the-distant-past SE Qld/NE NSW trip.
Horsing around at The Pass - Byron Bay...
Riding the "yellow wiggle" pedal train ride at the Southport adventure playground, Gold Coast
With mum, Yaya (grandma), and whats left of the GoldCoast beach after the storm...
Swinging in the basket swing, Southport...
At this moment, every person in Australia was in front of them. (i.e., family standing on the most easterly point of the Australian mainland)
Making a big red car out of sand (with mums help...), Byron Bay
The (in)famous Big Red Car ride!!
And a new use for bike hoops!
Can't forget rides on Dorothy's cups!
And finally the little yellow car (pedaled by a preggas mum!)
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