Well, not so much talking as looking at us and going
"AHhhhhhhhhhh GAhhhhhhhhhhh AAhhhhhhhhh"
then looking us in the eye and expecting some form of reply in return. (We usually say:
"Really? And what do you think of Fermats last theorem?")
"AHhhhhhhhhhh GAhhhhhhhhhhh AAhhhhhhhhh"
The other thing that is bwilliant is his new routine. Plus the simple fact that he now has a routine. It goes something like:
- Wake mum up at 7:30am
- Get fed (with sponge bath in the boob-swapping period)
- Play with stuff (e.g., mirror with oddly familiar baby in it)/go to baby ryhme-time at the library/watch mums exercise class/sleep till 11am
- Wake up
- Get fed
- Play with stuff (e.g., own hands)
- little sleep till 2
- Wake up
- Get fed
- Go for walk in pram or baby bjorn/visit friends/mothers group/play with stuff (e.g., buzzy bee)/sleep till beer'o'clock
- Wake up
- Get fed (not beer, yet)
- Play with dad when he gets home from work (NB: after dad kisses mum)
- Watch mum&dad eat tea/play with stuff (e.g., horseys)/little nap
- Wake up
- Get fed
- Get wrapped up, jigged and put in cot 9:30-10pm
- wake up at 7am (yes... sleeps through many nights)
- kiss from Dad in the dark before he leaves for work
- wake up mum at 7:30am

And we're assured this routine will change.
We've also discovered a gradually changing musical taste. His favourite at the moment appears to be dads mouth-music/guitar-only version of Jimi Hendrix "Manic Depression" (probably best he doesn't know the lyrics) while being bounced on dads knee in time to the ever increasing speed of that million dollar riff. (Maybe you have to be there...).

Oh, and he's also taken a liking to the Sesame Street "Mahna-mahna" song being performed via raspberries on his chest. (If you listen to the link, you'll be humming it all day; you have been warned.)
Somewhat scary how ingrained it is in 38y.o parents...
Talking, routines, and a near-miss ejectile poo at dad (we've pulled that description for the faint hearted). Week 12. Print this post
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