Nice to meet you Mike!
He's now also managed over a week of sleeping through the entire night - no, not a week in total, but a week of days in a row. There is a god. (Or at least an atheistic version of one...)
The week involved three big trips out, not to mention the standard mothers club cafe' strolls.
The first was to meet nana and great-aunt (GA) - if thats what nana's sister is called - as well as his second cousin (Emma), who is all of two weeks younger than the lil man.
All and sundry gathered at GAs place out in the 'burbs, and everthing was going swimmingly... till Mike decided to drop a big one. And then again. And again.
Ok, so this is what babies do - poo. Nothing wrong with that. Off to change him on the washing machine, with GA looking on adoringly.
"Oh isn't he wonderful" she said....
"Arent you a beautiful little... ohhhh...errr..."
Dad had removed the nappy and looked away momentarily, and in that split second...
WWWEEEEEEEEEEE...All over Mike, dad, the washing machine, the floor and any assorted shoe or article of clothing within a radius of two feet.
"I'd forgotten how little boys can spray it about..." was GA's consoling words of wisdom as dad got down on the floor and started the mop up operation.

Down on your hands and knees soaking up wee. Now that is parenting.
(Mike just grinned.)
Subsequent trips out were far less eventful. Firstly to his first BBQ at Miss J's place, where he was clearly the star of the show (being the only baby there kinda helped), and hence mum and dad were able to sit back and let him be passed around for half the night while they enjoyed the marinated Greek lamb...
Mmmm,... marinated Greek lambbbbb {drool drool}...
The final trip was to visit great-great-aunt (that makes even less sense: Mike's

This was first and foremost a chance for her to meet the lad, but it was also a test to see how he'd travel on a longer car voyage prior to his first trip to the snow next month.
The meeting went well with GGA suitably inpressed (and impressive) with the boy. Its amazing what 90+ years - or over 360 times the total length of Mikes life-to-date - of knowledge gives you.
A trip to the sea's edge and a wonderful cuppa looking out at the diving winter Australian gannets - heaven. Mike even managed to avoid the temptation of urinating on GGAs floor, even though he was tossed onto the ground (well, a set of very sensitive a scales with a rather large pressure plate) for a weigh in: 6.5kg, including clothes - thanks for asking.

And he's grown even more hair. Print this post
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