After the excitement of recent weeks it was back to normality.
The boy has managed to learn two new things this week just gone. Firstly... how to blow raspberries. And not just the occasional one, but long drawn out (and somewhat pointless) ones that only serve to spray even more slobber over his chin, face, jumper and anything within a 20cm radius.
Some say, or course, that this raspberry blowing caper is actually a prerequisite to learning to talk (as they are learning how to control thier tongue, lips and mouth), and is pretty common round the 5-6 month stage. Hence this would mean that a) he is marginally advanced at this stuff, and b) we maybe have another several months of this drizzling before a word comes out.
It also means that as we drive along in the car we get serenaded by a somewhat comical blerty-blerty sound from the back seat.

Its actually quite... well, soothing.
The other thing he's learnt is how to tell the time. Yeah - true dinks. Not only does he know, almost literally within minutes, that its 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm (i.e., feed times), but he's also grasped the vagaries of the Gregorian calender. Cos almost without fail he picks the night before mum has to go in to work to wake up, refuse to settle and generally do his utmost to turn mum into sleep zombie woman for her day at the salt mine.
Speaking of his mum... way back in the pregnancy the hormones kicked in and one of the joyous side effects was a growing head full of thick lustrous hair. Well... as predicted by

Apparently it will all just return to the head of hair it used to be, and the moulting is really just loosing the preggas excess. With the risk the drains will clog in the meantime,
Still for Mike the weekend was also his first experience of a Melbourne warm and sunny weekend (two days of 23degC... in winter!), and hence he got to hang out at a cafe with not only mum and dad, but also Freya... his girlfriend from the horsepiddle/first few days of life. Sure she was a little hard for him to recognise, not being in a blue light humidicrib and all that, but he couldn't help posing for her with his new cool sunnies.

Or any adult.
(Wonder what hormone makes you do that?)
Postscript: As the weather turned wintry once more, Mike made his first trip to visit Uncle B. After sizing each other up, they appeared to think each other was ok. Unc B seemed to have the knack of calming Mike's grizzles and turning them into smiles, so much so that the lady serving in the shop pronounced that Mike's smile took up his whole face! Print this post
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